Please see the weekly church bulletin for Feast Day Services and for Services During Lent and other special Seasons.
Vespers is an evening prayer service that usually lasts less than an hour and is made up of Psalms, hymns, and short verses sung by the chanters. It can be a good introduction to Orthodox worship.
Matins is a morning prayer service, which on Sunday flows without interruption into the main Sunday service, the Divine Liturgy. Matins is also known by the Greek name, Orthros. Many psalms and variable hymns are sung by the chanters, allowing it to expound on the themes for the day, which on Sunday is usually the Resurrection of Christ.
Divine Liturgy is the main, Sunday Service. The first part of the Liturgy focuses on the singing of hymns and the reading of the Epistle and the Gospel for the day, followed by the homily or short sermon. The second part of the Liturgy centers around offering prayers of thanksgiving to God and receiving Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome to join us in the hymns and prayers, but only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves should receive Communion. Everyone may partake of the blessed bread (antidoron) that is offered at the end of Liturgy. Also you are welcome on Sundays to join us after Liturgy for “Coffee Hour” and snacks in the Cathedral basement.
There are many other special and beautiful services celebrated in the tradition of the Orthodox Church. Days and times for these can be found on the Church Calendar.
At Saint John’s we have the custom of singing many of the Orthodox hymns congregationally. The order and text for most of these services can be found in books and hymn sheets set out in the entryway (or Narthex). Please feel free to use these books as much or as little as you wish. We welcome you to worship with us.